Thursday, August 16, 2007


Welcome, Creatures of the Night, to the Blood Blog!

I just want to take a few moments to thank all the people who've helped put together:

John (Agent) Nelson for his indelible hard work, perseverance, enthusiasm, and priceless patience when I never seemed to run out of questions. He is a trooper. Thanks for karaoke night! (No, I didn't sing) The site wouldn't look nearly as attractive without your help.

Also, for Emily Katz, for taking picture after picture of me until we found one slightly less creepy than the others, and bringing me up into the world of digital cameras. Technology is wonderful thing!

To the artists, their contributions, kind replies, and the obvious enthusiasm they displayed wanting to be a part of this site. It meant the world to me. They made each story page a little more colorful, to say the least.

The stories here at are only a handful in what is already a mountain of completed work behind me, invisible to the public eye, of course. (Hear that editors!) I like the stories I've chosen for this site, though, and I think it bodes well with the overall spectrum of what I like to write about. These stories have grown and been rewritten hundreds of times over the years, and I'm happy with how they turned out. Horror is my first and true love, and I return to her time and time again. I think these tales focus on my growth as a writer, where I've been, and where I hope I'm going. So, these stories are from me to you. Read them, let me know what you think. Tell your friends. And don't be afraid to drop me a line, or share your thoughts concerning modern horror, fine dining, your favorite NHL team, or in general.

With that said, I hope you enjoy the tales and keep coming back for more. There are always new dark things to write about, and the adventure getting there is half the fun.

Until then, my little underground dwellers, leave the lights on, keep the doors locked, make sure those windows are secure, and keep your toes all the way under the covers. Sometimes--in that cold, drafty darkness under the bed--you never know what may be lurking. The dark, after all, is only trying to teach us something. What that is...well...that's up to you...
