Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Some Time Away...

I just got back from eight days of fun in the sun in Sun Valley, Idaho at Anderson Lake. Ever been there? It's beautiful. Part Hemingway country, and the lake is massive, almost three hundred feet deep in some spots. My mother has finished (hopefully) the roughest part of her cancer treatments. God bless you, mom! She looked rosy and healthy and a few pounds heavier. I mean that in a good way, mother. I'll hear about that one later.

The kids got together for mom's sake, waterskiing, dirt biking, good food, camp fire, full moon, plenty of stars, and lots of laughter. It was good to get away. My first few days back to work, I was still on the lake. We saw a bald eagle, chased it in the boat for a while as it flew over the water. Deer ran everywhere, even a couple of bucks. My brother, being the snake charmer he is, went hunting snakes and had some luck.

The water was perfect, 74 degrees. I got on the wake board for the first time, and when I wasn't feeling cocky, switching and trying to cut the water, I made a few face plants. Ouch! That'll jog you back to reality. But I was ready to go again when the boat came around.

It definitely recharged the batteries. I feel a little calmer, not high strung like I did before I went. (Mainly because of work. Whoever said working in a bookstore was easy? The phone rings constantly. I can't believe how many people don't know where Mark Twain is) I had some personal demons to face on my own, I suppose, and it wasn't really an effort. One night, I took a walk out with my Uncle, who'd come down from California, and we stared at the full moon while standing on the dam. I loved the way the moon illuminated the hills to every side. Scorpio was barely visible to the south. I'm a Scorpio, so I notice things like that. I had some private moments, thinking about life, where I was then, and where I am now, and if anything was perfect, it was then. I had no qualms. I was just glad to be with my family, my brothers and sister, my nieces, and my mom and uncle. Even my sister's boyfriend, George, came along. He introduced me to some Otep. George is a great guy. Everyone likes him.

As all was said and done, like all vacations, it went by way too fast, and the next thing I knew, I was home again, back at work. I started a new story, relaxed in to the lateness of summer, and gradually watched the college students come back into town. It was a great way to end the summer.

Here's hoping you had similar adventures and great memories this summer!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Blood Red Tales Gets A Makeover

Since Blood Red Tales has been up, lots has happened. I don't know where to begin. I've met some great people, had some great help, got published in a couple of respectable anthologies, and heard from some fans. Blood Red, in that time, has gotten a makeover. Some of the tales could always be better, but not only have the tales been polished since, I've been fortunate to talk with some great and very kind artists. Their work is displayed, with links on my About The Author page, as to where to find more. It has been an exciting year. And I'm still trying to get more exposure, more publications, and meet new people. For everyone who helps, you have to help someone else. That's the rule. Blood Red Tales is not just about fiction. It's about great artwork and spreading light in dark places. It might be dark and bloody content, but that doesn't mean we can't have some laughs and help others along the way. After all, a dark sense of humor is healthy.

Check out some of the prints, if you are so inclined, and drop those artists an email. We're all in this together. Bringing passion to life.